Archive for the ‘Security’ Category

Want Harry Potter? Just break into my Car!

July 8, 2007

Harry Potter 7It really is amazing the things people will say, and the press will print, without taking into account the consequences they could have.

The Sydney Morning Herald today has a story on it’s website – “Chamber of secrets” covering the security measures being taken to keep the latest Harry Potter book under wraps until it’s released in 2 weeks time. The owner of one small bookshop in Sydney, which is named in the article, is quoted as saying that to keep in line with the security requirements “We’ve got to keep them in the back of the car” for 2-3 days before they are released.

They didn’t actually say “please break into my car and steal a copy”, but they might as well have – especially given that it took about 2 minutes to find the address of both the bookshop itself and the home address of the owners. Even if the statement was only a joke and they actually intend to keep the books elsewhere, they’ve still left themselves open to a broken back window if anyone feels the need to try!